Thursday, 9 January 2014

2013 Top 10 Best & Worst Films: No.9

No. 9 Best - Trance dir Danny Boyle

In recent years I've become quite fond of Danny Boyle and his approach to cinema - I was caught off guard by Slumdog Millionaire (2008) after having very low expectations going into that film, but came away absolutely adoring it; heading into Trance my expectations were quite high given Boyle's recent successes and for the most part the film delivers on everything from which you'd expect from a Director of his calibre. The three main cast members all have great chemistry and their evolution of motivations genuinely feels very organic, it helps that they also all put in stellar performances that pull you right into the thick of their stories, Trance feels like it quickly goes by with a great even flow to the pacing helped greatly with its sharp editing style, it's a stunningly beautiful film to watch and has you puzzling through the direction in which the plot is heading making Trance a thrilling ride that engages your brain, not just with the plot but also from an emotional and ethical standpoint which is why it's made my Top 10 Best Films of 2013 list.

No. 9 - Side Effects dir Stephen Soderbergh

From one psychological crime thriller to another, but on the flip side; Steven Soderbergh's Side Effects is a shambles. The film is riddled with problems and some of them are deep at its core giving it no chance to ever succeed. First of we've got the miscasting of Channing Tatum, who never looks comfortable in his role and there are moments with the choice of costume that you really do have to ask 'what were they thinking?' what doesn't help Side Effects further is that the script is utterly predictable, after the bedding in of the story begins to unfold, it's like your able to predict everything thats going to happen in the next 15 minutes at any point during the film. Jude Law again is awful, though it's hardly surprising as good performances from him are so few and far between anyway, but the final nail in the coffin for Side Effects is the character and the performance from Catherine Zeta-Jones, if you're not bored before her big role to play towards the end of the film, you'll be laughing at the screen by just how painfully awful her character is written. The posters might say 'Terrific, Tense, Edge of Your Seat' but in reality it's dumb, annoying and laughable, making it number 9 on my worst films of 2013 list.

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